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--  Applying Permaculture throughout life  -



I keep hearing and reading that effective/happy/healthy people have a clear mission statement that they are guided by in their daily lives. Even in the association's paperwork (PermaMed's) we have had to formulate our vision and our mission and in our workshops we tend to stress the importance of visualization to go where we really want to go. When the whole Mission thing was put in front of me again at the end of March 2016 on two occasions (Support lecture group - The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by S. Covey & Workshop on Psychosomatics, Unconscious and Intuitive Diagnostic by Roberto Jimenéz Navas), I thought it was high time to have a little meditation session on my personal Mission and actually write something down. 



A first excercise was to concentrate on an image for my  mission, just sit still for a few moments and take time to observe the images that came to me. The words that came to me were balance and nature, but then that was no surprise, as I am a Libra and recently I had already visualized a re-take of the Three Permaculture Ethics, presented on a balanced scales. This time however the image that most wanted to materialize was something intertwined, something triangular but round, something natural... All of a sudden the word Celtic came to my mind and I went Googling for some images. The symbol that most resembles the image that appeared in my third eye was the Trinity Knot. And lo and behold; it actually looks like some of the doodles I had made! It resembles the circle diagram of the three Permaculture Ethics which I find fantastic. One of the meanings even makes total sense to me, that is that this (endless) knot represents Mind (my Permaculture Teaching) - Body (my work as a hiking guide) - Spirit (the new path I am on as a massage therapist), closed and encapsulated by a circle, making it a whole, a precious system of systems. (27/03/2016)



Action Learning Pathway


Browsing through other people's websites where they document their steps towards their Permaculture Diploma including their "Diploma Portfolio" (There is plenty of these sites online!), it all seems to start with the Action Learning Pathway, although others might call it a Holistic Design. You might have a pretty good idea of where you want to be heading, but to hit the idea home a bit more, this tool, this drawing and colouring of the path you see ahead of you, does indeed really work! Going along new ideas spring up, it's like a brainstorming session within your head, often words reiterate what is already on the paper, but another one might give it just that bit of extra umpff. I enjoyed making this "work of art", and have it visible. Some things have changed since 2012, but the learning from this experience is still there and several of the goals I have marked on this butterfly (which accidentally seems to be my celtic birth-animal) are actually reality by now (2015) such as that I have indeed been involved in teaching Permaculture since 2012, with a huge leap in 2015; I am on my Diploma Pathway, the design of my Right Livelihood is the most succesful so far and the skills that I wanted to acquire for other designs are growing daily by learning and doing. Slowly but surely, Poc a Poc as they say on Mallorca. 


Written at the end of 2011:


Reading Ulises' book "Camino se hace al andar" (You make way by walking), I can only agree with him that to make any progress, you have to start walking - doing - experiencing. I do think it's quite important though to have your goal, your path, clearly in your head. Obviously one is allowed to change his mind once en route, but I have experienced that the route makes itself, and my instincts will tell me when to take a turn... These past few months of 2011 have been inspiring! Many experiences have come rushing towards me one after the after; I have seen such support and sharing, and I appreciate hugely the doors that some people have opened for me. I have gotten to know Permaculture, a great pack of geese on the Gaia EDE course, several unique thinkers and very humble do-ers. All this just came flowing along after making one strong statement at the end of this summer gone: "How can I live a life that is abundant with rich experiences, in a sustainable way, with respect and love for the planet and the people around me, and all this whilst actually finding the time to enjoy it?!" The universe replied, and sent me carreering down this pathway towards the Permaculture Diploma! Here goes!




I aim to live a balanced life where work and pleasure are hard to differentiate from one another, where me-time is as or more important than time for others, where I connect with body, mind and spirit both in my work (hiking, teaching permaculture and energy massage) as in my leisure time (gardening, reading, travel in real time as well as in my mind) and where I am concious of the natural whole this trinity forms and that I deeply want to connect with for my health and happiness. My Right Livelihood is designed around my values of justice, honesty, responsibility, commitment, hard work and of not wanting to have damage incurred to anyone or anything on or part of this planet we live on. The principle I live by is "Never stop Learning" and my goal is to forever improve communication in order to remove barriers between people.




“I can do anything I set my mind to, my thoughts are powerful.”


“Change is life.”

“The Universe provides for those that have a passion, you just need to drop the fear and believe in yourself.”

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